Site Monitoring

 Managing Sites Locally and Around the Globe

On-Site and Remote Monitoring

If you're the head of your clinical study, your sites are your extremities. Effectively managing these elements between your team and your subjects is critical to your success. To aid your efforts, we offer experience in managing sites around the globe. 

Our site monitoring services include:  

  • Conducting ​site selection ​by contacting potential sites to determine interest, availability & expertise

  • Assisting with initiating and finalizing Investigator confidentiality agreement​s

  • Conducting site qualification visits

  • ​Preparing Site Qualification Visit Reports for Sponsor review and selection of sites

  • Assisting Clinical Trial Manager with the preparation and set-up of Trial Master File

  • Supporting ​the preparation and execution of investigator meetings

  • Assisting sites with the preparation and submission to central or local IRBs

  • Conducting Site Initiation Visits either in-person or remotely to ensure compliance with final protocol

  • Preparing Site Initiation Visit Reports for Sponsor review


  • ​Conducting interim Monitoring Visits ​as per the Monitoring Plan

  • Preparing Interim Monitoring Visit Reports for Sponsor review

  • Interacting with sites on an ongoing basis to respond to site issues and minimize the number of protocol deviations

  • Reviewing entered study data and generating manual queries

  • Ensuring all system or manually generated queries have been resolved prior to data base lock

  • ​Conducting Close-out visits ​to confirm that all study documentation ​has been finalized and investigational product disposed of or returned to Sponsor 

  • ​Preparing Close-out Visit Reports for Sponsor review
